Who Was Hyam Hyams, and Was He Jack the Ripper?

DATED: 15.05.24

The case of Jack the Ripper is probably London’s biggest unsolved mystery. Since the murders took place in 1888, detectives, historians, and true crime fans have been fascinated by what took place during the Autumn of Terror in Whitechapel. Naturally, endless theories and suspects have been brought to light over the years as we try to decipher the mind of the faceless serial killer. It’s not just the notorious pseudonym “Jack the Ripper”, Hyam Hyams is one of the most recent suspects to emerge. So, Hyam Hyams? Jack the Ripper? Are they the same person? Read on to discover more.

Who Was the Jack the Ripper Most Likely Suspect?

Before we learn more about Hyam Hyams, we must first understand who has historically been the most likely suspect in the Jack the Ripper case. In the last 136 years, we’ve seen many names crop up as to who the murderer could be, some of which even include aristocrats, doctors, and royalty. That said, it’s generally agreed that Aaron Kosminski is the most likely suspect.

Kosminski was a Polish immigrant living in Whitechapel at the time of the killings and was identified as a suspect. Studies show that he behaved erratically, and he had a deep-rooted hatred for women, especially prostitutes; as we know, these were the Ripper’s primary targets. While he was placed under surveillance, the lack of concrete evidence meant that he was never charged.

Hyam Hyams – The New Jack the Ripper Suspect

Just recently, the Jack the new Ripper new suspect has stepped onto the scene – Hyam Hyams. Hyams came from a family of Jewish immigrants and was born in Whitechapel in 1858, where he grew up and worked as a bootmaker. At the time of the murders, Hyams wasn’t known to the authorities like Kosminski was. In fact, his name didn’t really come to light until researcher David Bullock made a discovery.

When combing through archival records related to the Ripper case, Bullock came across Hyams’ name. While it may seem unrelated, it caught Bullock’s eye that Hyams was arrested for assault a few months before the first Ripper murder. This intrigued Bullock and encouraged him to delve deeper into Hyams’ life; from this, he was able to find a series of coincidences that could potentially tie him to the crimes.

The Case Against Hyam Hyams Ripper

Although the revelation of Hyams as a suspect is an interesting one, his candidacy as a Ripper suspect should be approached with scepticism. This is because a number of suspects, including Aaron Kosminski, were identified as such by investigators at the time. The evidence directly linking Hyams to the murders is lacking, meaning his candidacy as a suspect is wholly based on circumstantial evidence and speculative connections.

What’s more, Hyams’ background and personality didn’t match up to the profile of Jack the Ripper. The Ripper was described as a cunning and methodical killer, while Hyams seemed to lead a relatively unremarkable life. Of course, appearances can be deceiving; however, the lack of concrete evidence linking Hyams to the case makes building a compelling case against him difficult.

Unravelling the Mystery – Fact vs Fiction

Over the years, a number of theories about Jack the Ripper have come to light, some of them plausible and some of them quite bizarre. There’s no escaping the fact that the mission to unmask the Ripper’s identity is fascinating; however, it’s important not to get caught up in the fiction over the fact. As far as Hyam Hyams is concerned, the line between the two is somewhat blurred, with speculation sometimes overshadowing concrete evidence.

Instead of getting wrapped up in the excitement of sensationalism, any case like Jack the Ripper’s needs to be approached with a critical eye. We’re sure to see more and more suspects emerge and other clues be revealed; however, the fact of the matter is that we may never know the truth behind the Autumn of Terror.

The Enduring Legacy of Jack the Ripper

If the identity of Jack the Ripper continues to fascinate you even after all these years, then don’t hesitate to book a spot on one of our tours. Our tours operate twice a day, seven days a week, departing from Exit 3 of Aldgate East station and finishing by Spitalfields Market and the notorious Ten Bells pub. Each tour lasts around 1 hour 45 minutes and will take place whether the rain is pouring or the sun is shining. So make sure you wear comfortable footwear and clothing that are suited to the forecast. Let’s be honest – even on the most beautiful summer days, the rain often takes over in London, so we always recommend bringing waterproofs just in case. From Osborne Street to Dorset Street, you’ll get to see all the most famous Ripper locations, so what are you waiting for? Book a spot today.


 7 Days a Week

AT 5:00PM & 7:30PM

Tour Duration

1 hr 45 mins


The Jack the Ripper Casebook